I spaced out posting this earlier. (It happens.) Below are a few more details. If you're interested in more information, contact Frank at the phone and email above, or visit the bCOOP website.
We are initiating a Co-Op art show in Beacon, N.Y. There will be a small hanging fee of approx. $25.00 per piece of art work which will go towards expenses of the Beacon COOP . A second piece could be exhibited for an additional $15.00
After January 15, 2008, the fee may be raised to $35. 00 or $40.00 per piece since space is limited. The Art Co-Op will get approximately a 30 per cent commission on sales, one half of which would be donated to a GREEN organization. The other seventy percent will go to the artist. One piece could be very reasonably priced and the other could be an expensive piece to show ones style, expertise,etc. The theme could be GREEN or a favorite piece of art by the individual artist.
The date we are shooting for to open the Art Co-Op is the second Saturday in February. You do not have to be present to participate in the show but we encourage you to be there to network and enjoy the festivities.
Do you know of the Beacon art community? If not, it is the home of the internationally known DIA Gallery and many other shops and galleries. We might also be able to combine this event with a visit to DIA. At the event, we are planning a pot luck reception. For those that donate like to cook, a small donation towards some store bought goodies would be appreciated.
Would you or any of your friends be interested? For more information or to participate, give me a call or send an e mail. For those of you who have already decided to exhibit, please send a check payable to Frank Ritter and in the memo part of the check write Beacon Co-Op event.
If we find there is not enough interest in this event your payment will be refunded completely. If you know of other artists please forward this e mail and please feel free to give me their contact information.
Although we can not be held liable to any loss or damage of your art work on the premises or in transit, we will do our very best to make sure that it is properly handled. There also may be some weight restrictions and size restrictions for any art piece that is over two feet by four feet. The art work should be properly framed or mounted. All work accepted is done at the discretion of bCOOP. All art work must be picked up after the show or the following day unless other arrangements can be made in advance. For New York City exhibitors art work may be dropped off or picked up at 30 Waterside Plaza, 34G, New York, New York depending on their size and space availability.
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