
Sunday, February 01, 2009

I love the smell of Newburgh in the afternoon.

This past Thursday I journeyed over to Newburgh for the first time in a long time. I met a friend for lunch at the Moo and Oink on Liberty & Washington; a cool joint that gifted one with a mouth watering aroma upon entering.
Later, I stopped into the Newburgh Art Supply Store at 87 Liberty St. and spent time chatting with owners Gerardo Castro and Michael Gabor. The Newburgh Art Supply is similar in size to that of the Beacon Art Supply - may it rest in peace. Michael and Geraldo want to make sure their stock is as appealing as possible to the area's artists. If you have a special request, let them know and work on getting it in for you. The store is stocked with an ever growing selection of environmentally friendly products. They also carry the new line of Golden Open Acrylics which I'm anxious to try.
The duo are understandably passionate about supporting the growth of their community and have an extensive calendar of arts events happening in Newburgh on their website. They're also active in developing joint Newburgh/Beacon events related to the 400th Anniversary of Hudson's journey up the river.

1 comment:

Newburgh Restoration said...

I love this posting! Great review...I'll be following up in the future.