
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Will Walker in Bronx Museum's AIM exhibit

Will Walker is participating in this year's Artists in the Marketplace exhibit, "Here and Elsewhere" at the Bronx Museum. The exhibit opens on April 1 and runs through August 19, 2007. The museum is hosting an open house on Sunday April 1 from 2-6pm.
The 36 artists participating in the exhibit are:
Bami Adedoyin • Becca Albee • Fanny Allié • Jesse Alpern • Dorthe Alstrup •
Gabriela Alva Cal y MayorJill Auckenthaler • Gail Biederman • Hector Canonge •
Christine Catsifas • Jillian ConradVince Contarino • Jon Cuyson • Caroline Falby
• Tracey Goodman • Patrick Grenier • Emily HallJoseph Hart • Ketta Ioannidou •
Elaine Kaufmann • Jayson Keeling • Taeseong Kim • Joseph Maida Amanda C. Mathis • Amanda Matles • Megan Michalak • Hiroyuki Nakamura • Alison Owen Chihcheng Peng • David Politzer • Emily Puthoff • Jenna Ransom • Rashanna Rashied-Walker Jason Reppert • Joseph Eli Tekippe • Will Walker

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Call for artists: Beacon Hat Parade

Two hatboxes from 2006. top: Alexis Elton, bottom: Catherine Welshman

For the second year, artists are invited to decorate a hat box as part of the annual Beacon Hat Parade.

Interested artists can pick up undecorated boxes at the store, Jacqueline, at 478 Main Street. They need to be finished and returned to Jacqueline Wiessner at Jacqueline or Carl at Van Brunt Gallery by May 5th. You will receive 25% of the selling bid. And the opening bids this year will be $75.00.

Any questions please call Jacqueline Wiessner at either, 845-838-1737.

Gallery Talk at Dia:Beacon March 31, 1pm

Whitney curator, Chrissy Iles will be giving the next talk in Dia:Beacon's monthly series of guest speakers. Micheal Heizer will be the subject of Iles' talk.

On April 7, Dia will be opening the final installment of a series of exhibits of Agnes Martin's work.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Upcoming Flying Swine Readings

Flying Swin will be holding two readings of the play On "The Verge" by Eric Overmyer:

Whack the bush with three intrepid Victorian lady explorers to Terra Incognita,
beset by a German-speaking cannibal, a Yeti, a Dragon Lady and a swingin'
Lounge Show Singer!

Join us for this first in a series of PORCINE PREVIEWS
(pre-production readings of a plethora of plays)

Friday, March 30 at 8 in Garrison:

Phillipstown Depot Theatre, Lower Station Road.

Saturday March 31 at 8 in Beacon:
Theatre Howland Cultural Center 477 Main Street

Free to the public, donations gladly accepted
Reservations, call the swineline 845.230.7010

Angelika Rinnhofer exhibition images

Here are a few installation images from Angelika Rinnhofer's exhibit at Paul Kopeiking Gallery in LA. Over on my personal blog I'll be posting images from some other gallery exhibits we saw while out west.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jill Reynolds installation in Kansas

Working with art students at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas, Jill Reynolds has created an installation called "Big Bang." The installation will be on exhibit through April 2, 2007 in the Eppink Art Gallery on the University's campus. There is a photo-montage of images from the installation here.

Call for proposals: Yonkers garbage trucks

This opportunity was forwarded by Sara Pasti:
JMC Art Partners/Segal Fine Arts, NY, NY are seeking proposals
to create unique designs to transform garbage trucks into "mobile art
galleries". These trucks will be a fun, attractive"vehicle" to promote
environmental awareness and educate the public aboutthe importance of sustaining
a clean and safe environment. Six designswill be selected and printed on outdoor
vinyl and wrapped around the bodyand cab of each truck. This project is being
undertaken by the City of Yonkers' Office of Economic Development. The Art
Trucks will be launchedat Business Week in May 2007.

For a
complete version of the RFP, please email mail to:
YonkersArtTruckQues tions@gmail.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Averting Winter, for a few days

I’m currently in LA for A(ngelika Rinnhofer)’s opening tonight at the Paul Kopeikin Gallery. I’ll be posting images of the installation, and opening reception in the coming week.

Angelika tying up loose ends in preparation for her exhibit.

I did not make it out for Second Saturday last weekend, and the post I had intended to post on that day was lost. I want to mention that last week brought the opening of a new gallery in Beacon. Rear View Gallery located in the back of the Paper Presence stationary store at …..Main St. The gallery’s first show features works on paper by British based artist, Wendy Yeo. Also, the Beacon Art Supply hosted a party celebrating it’s 4x5 club, an instore permanent installation of 4x5” artworks created by local artists on canvas boards provided by the store. All members of the club receive a 10% discount on purchases. For anyone interested in submitting a piece, contact BAS.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Call for Artists

This call was forwarded by Karlos at Go North Gallery:

OPEN CALL to All Artists!
AG Gallery is accepting entries for its
exhibition:"Neo-Abstraction"Opening May 25th, 2007 Theme of the exhibition

The theme for this Open Call is "Neo-Abstraction". Artist
is asked to re-think about the history of Abstract Art and create his/her own
artwork of its own concept/vision about Abstraction. It would be a response to
the traditional Abstract Art, transforming its idea to the contemporary art in
21st century.

Open for all mediums.
The exhibition is open to all artists, 18 year old or
older, working and living in US. Work must be original and executed within the
past three years. Media It is open for all media including painting,
drawing, sculpture, photography, video, performance, clothing and

3-8 accepted artists will be included in the group
exhibition opening on May25th, 2007.Important DatesSaturday, April 14th, 2007
Entries dueSaturday, April 21st, 2007 Notification of acceptanceFriday, May
25th, 2007 Exhibition opening and receptionSunday, June 24th, 2007 Exhibition
closesFor more information, please visit our website at
If you have any questions, please contact the

AG Gallery
103 N.3rd Street, #2R
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Collaborative Concepts seeks proposals for Saunders' Farm Project


After an extremely successful exhibition last season, Collaborative
Concepts has been invited by Sandy Saunders to create an exhibition of outdoor
art on his 140 acre historic farm on Old Albany Post Road in Garrison for 2007.
COLLABORATIVE CONCEPTS is a not-for-profit arts organization, which has
presented exhibitions at four different sites over the past 7 years. Technical
support is provided by the Putnam Arts Council, Joyce Picone, Executive
Members of the exhibition committee for the Saunders' Farm Project
include: Herman Roggeman, Sheilah Rechtschaffer, Robert Brush, Nancy Bauch, Eric
Arctander, Sarah Haviland, Thomas Faulkner and Kirsten Kucer

Proposal Due Date: Postmark 31 March
Response to Proposals: 30
April via your e-mail (please include your address).
Installation Period: 23
July to 25 August. Artists will have 24/7 access during this period.
not installed by the conclusion of the Installation Period will not be
Opening Reception: Saturday 1 September 2-6pm (Rain Date: Sunday
2 September).
Mid Run Reception: Saturday 6 October (Rain Date: Sunday 7
Close of Exhibition: Tuesday 31 October, with a seasonally
appropriate closing.

Removal of Art: 12 November.
Saunders' Farm is located on the historic earthen highway
of the original route between New York City and Albany. Entering through the
main gate one passes the 18th century farm house and working out-buildings. The
property begins with rolling pastures and culminates on a majestic ridge with
360 degree views of the Hudson Highlands. Black Angus cattle roam free. Sites
for art range from intimate woody glens to open fields and dramatic large scale
expanses defined by stone farm walls and forest.

To present a proposal you are first required to visit the
site. Please make arrangements with a C.C. contact person.

YOUR ART: You may propose art of any size or medium.
However, the art must be "cow friendly": the cattle live here, so nothing that
they could trip over or in (no holes), or harm themselves by bumping into (no
sharp edges), or become trapped or entangled in (no cables) will be accepted.
Your art must also be “cow resistant”. The cattle are very curious about new
events in their environment. They will examine, push, bump, knock over art. Your
art cannot be made of fragile materials. Protecting such art is virtually
impossible; think of them as massive SUV’s. Such art must not be accessible to
them either sited where they do not range or significantly above their heads
Weather must also be a consideration- rain and extremely high winds are
common in the Hudson Highlands. Your art must be structurally sound and
anchored. Grass can grow quite high on this working farm. Mowing is not done on
Collaborative Concepts schedule/ Because of the aforementioned site conditions,
C.C. can assume NO RESPONSIBILITY for your art. We have learned that cows and
weather rule and, in fact, that has become a condition of the art that can be
THE CONCLUSION OF THE EXHIBITION; i.e. all materials must be removed. Grass will
grow back and is not a condition of this clause.

Site specific art is encouraged. The committee will make
every effort to secure your desired space. The committee has the final
determination as to the selection and placement of the art. Collaborative
Concepts recognizes that art is a creative process and that artists may wish to
modify or change their art during the course of this project. However all such
modifications and changes must be approved by the curators."
Please notify
C.C. if any modifications or changes are considered. Works of art that are not
approved by the curators will be removed from the site (your deposit will be
applied to the removal). Every effort will be made to assist you in the
installation of your art through collaboration with other artists. However,
installation is the responsibility of the artist.


Your proposal may be in any format.
Mail proposals to:
Collaborative Concepts
126 Bryant Pond Road
Putnam Valley, N.Y.
Fax to: 845-528-0026E-mail/jpeg attachments to:
please call: Herman Roggeman: 845-265-3945
Eric Arctander: 845-528-1797

There are no fees to participate in the exhibition. All
art must be funded independently. Collaborative Concepts does not fund art. The
art is not insured by Collaborative Concepts. Collaborative Concepts
accepts no responsibility for damage to the art by whatever cause.
Collaborative Concepts will create and print an announcement card; each artist
will receive a limited number. Collaborative Concepts will issue press releases
and advertise locally. Artists may create their own publicity with text
approved by the committee. A commission of 30% to Collaborative Concepts
is expected on all sales from the exhibition.

Collaborative Concepts is pleased to announce that we
have formed a partnership for this exhibition with The Studio, Armonk,
Westchester which is also a not-for-profit, non-membership, 501c3 organization.
Artists who have shown with C.C. or are part of this year’s Farm Project have
the opportunity to exhibit in The Studio’s sculpture garden. Selected artists
from The Studio will participate in the Farm Project. The Studio exhibition will
run for one year~ opening Saturday,
8 September one week after our opening.
To participate in The Studio exhibition call their curator, John Pindyk-Miller
at 845-279-8976.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Building appraisal information for Bulldog Studios/Old high school building.

On Friday, I received an email from the Bulldog Studios Tenants Association that included notes from the Beacon City School District meeting of last week detailing the appraisal of the old high school building, and the process by which that amount had been reached:
Dear Friends and Fellow

Hank Dutch, Peter Iannarelli, Susan
Magnus, and
Alison Moritsugu took notes at the recent Board of Education
workshop regarding
the appraisal of the old high school. Dr. Jean Parr
has the appraisal
document available for review in her office if you are
interested in checking
the accuracy of our notes or learning more about the
appraisal. To the
best of our recollection, these are the

APPRAISER: Valuation Consultants,
Inc., Newburgh,

-Scale: The building is large (122,000 sq. ft.) in
relationship to 2.5 acre lot size.

-Location: The
building is in a residential neighborhood.

-Mechanical issues: Old heating system.
-Condition: Portions of building are semi-below grade and

-Layout: Formerly a school, a large
portion of the
building cannot be leased due to layout. Possible to lease
approximately 64,000
sq. ft. or about 53-55% of the

-Vacancy: 30% of the building is currently

-Expenses: Higher expense ratio when
compared to other
buildings of similar size. Estimated $500,000 in
annual expenses (this
includes $80,000 in estimated property taxes).

comparable buildings sold in the
area to determine market value. The
buildings used for comparison were on
the market from 18-24 months. 3 were
vacant, 1 was 30%

-Broadway Elementary School, Newburgh.
on a major intersection with superior parking.

-Bank of NY Headquarters. Large open interior spaces
similar to 211 Fishkill and 30% leased.

schools in Chester and Rhinebeck. Both
schools on larger parcels.

Based on this approach, 211 Fishkill is valued at 3

2. INCOME APPROACH: Use current
rental income or
future potential rental income to determine market

are within
range of market rates. At present, 30% of the building is
leased. Based on
this approach and using current rent roll, 211 Fishkill is
valued at 1.5

Allow 3-4 years to fully rent building,
keeping rents level during this time to
make leasing attractive and draw new
tenants. Assumes lower floors, which are
semi-below grade and less
desirable, would rent for $11.5 annually and upper
floors $14.25 annually.
Increase rents once building is fully occupied.

Based on this approach and a stabilized rent roll, 211
is valued at 2.3 or 2.4 million."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

March 3: Opening of Draper, Jennis, Rausch at Van Brunt Gallery

March 3, will offer a one stop taste of Second Saturday on first Saturday as, Van Brunt Gallery and Go North Gallery will be hosting opening receptions on both sides of the street. The receptions at both joints run from 6-9pm.