Rob will be offering digital printing and retouching services as well as possibly holding photography workshops in the space. Rob said he expects exhibits to run for about six weeks, with November's exhibit featuring Beacon photographer Ronnie Farley.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
400 square - brings more photography to Beacon's Main St.
Rob will be offering digital printing and retouching services as well as possibly holding photography workshops in the space. Rob said he expects exhibits to run for about six weeks, with November's exhibit featuring Beacon photographer Ronnie Farley.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Spirit of Beacon Parade
Saturday, September 27, 2008
On for this weekend.
Anyway, here are a few things on tap for this weekend.
It was announced yesterday that due to the forecast for rain today (which has yet to appear here in Beacon), the COTA event in New Paltz has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Sept 28.
There are two events tonight:
Hermitage is hosting the opening of Mario Lemos: "Aura of Invincibility." (here's a personal aside. As fate would have it, just this week I've taken on the habit of pronouncing the word invincible with a lisp, rendering it invinthible. This cracks me up.)There will be an opening reception tonight from 6-9 pm.
Open Space is hosting Outre Autre - 2 hours of DJ music and 2 hours of videos by Joey Daytona. Below is some footage from the project. The event will run from 6-10pm
Tomorrow, weather permitting, the Spirit of Beacon Day Parade will be happening. This year, Artists at Large which, in the past brought us the Hudson River School Fish heads, and the Tools with legs has teamed up with students from one of the Beacon Community Center's programs, illustrating large scale renditions based on the kids drawings of what they want to be when they grow up.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Eye Candy Friday: Uh Omer
This weekend's selection is CNN Concatenated, 2002, a work by Omer Fast. The pause/inhalations make this work for me.
Fast is among the artists whose work is included in A/V heavy exhibit "The Greenroom: Reconsidering the Documentary and Contemporary Art", opening at the Hessel Museum at Bard College on Sept 27, 2008. There's an opening reception for the exhibit on the 27th from 1-4pm.
Hito Steyerl will be giving a lecture titled "Documentary Uncertainty" at 2pm on the day of the opening.
The following day, Sept 28, from 1:30-2:30, a panel discussion, "Problems of Realism" will be held featuring TJ Demos, Carles Guerra and Hito Steyerl.
On Oct 4, at 1pm, Andrea Geyer will be giving a performative slide lecture in Weis Cinema, located at the Bard Campus Center.
The Greenroom will be on exhibit through Feb 1 2009.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Images from Second Saturday Sept 13
Despite all that was going on, we did not make it to many places on Saturday. We started out at Go North for the group show on abstraction. I've come to understand why any future framers contracted to frame any of Robert Brush's works on paper might want to wear rubber gloves. The selection of the 10 artists in the exhibit was divvied up between the three gallery partners, and it wasn't until all the work arrived that any of them knew what the show was going to look like. Given that randomness, the work is pretty cohesive.
We then stopped in to Van Brunt for the Hudson Valley invitational. I actually didn't make it all the way back to see the third room. I was expecting a show much more densely installed than it is, which is good given the 30 some artists included in the show.
Milling about outside Van Brunt, we heard of a new apartment gallery that was opening that night. The new joint is called Floor One Gallery. It's located in a cool live/work space at 17 East Main St.- just on the farside of the creek from Main St. Ty Marshall and Derek Bryant recently opened moved to Beacon. It's the kind of DIY, maximizing resources kind of effort that I really respond to. The spirit was good as was the food. Floor One will be open on 2nd Saturdays and by appointment at other times. The joint has a myspace page now with a more extensive website coming soon.
There were so many other things going on on Saturday, but we just didn't make it.....we did catch a glimpse of the Film Flam on the way home, and the long awaited opening of the wine bar next to the old Feel Design space.
Some images from Dar Williams' CD Release Party at Spire Studios, Sept 9, 2008
One could say that holding an exhibit or event at Spire Studios is like putting lipstick on a pig, but as one draws closer to examine the effects of such a lurid application, one could catch oneself thinking, 'Man this lipstick wearing pig is looking mighty fine'. It could happen.
It might not be right, but it don't feel wrong, and one could come to the conclusion that one could have one hell of a time with this pig, briskly gussied up as it is. This might not be a universal truth, and it might reveal a bit too much about me. The point stands, though, that although this raw space shares less in common with a converted industrial loft in SOHO than with a cobbled together structure in a Palestinian refugee camp, when there's work on the wall, the lights go up, and there are people populating the corners, there's a sensation of relaxed, jovial warmth that is not duplicated anywhere else in town.
After the crowd thinned, I photographed some of the artwork:
Friday, September 12, 2008
Eye Candy Friday: Nature Morte, Anime
This is a beautiful take on the classic, symbolically loaded still life by Sam Taylor-Wood, entitled "Still Life" from 2001. Thanks to Ms A, I saw this originally at, but the embed is, of course from your tube.
So that is the Nature Morte, Anime. If you'd like to watch the Nature Morte, Re-anime, check out Taylor-Wood's "A Little Death" from 2002. Equally stunning, and upon watching it again tonight, newly disturbing. Must've been something I ate.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Clara Gould Art Fund, Hudson Invitational Exhibit and Talk at Van Brunt....and touching hands.....
Part of the events for the evening will include a preview of the Hudson Invitational exhibit at Van Brunt. The exhibit, which is being presented by Van Brunt Gallery in association with Curcio Projects, and which is co-curated by Jennifer Mackiewicz, relates to the Sitelines Art Fair program that was scheduled for last May but cancelled shortly before.
The art fair was/is intended to highlight contemporary art venues, both commercial and non profit, active throughout the Hudson Valley.
The panel discussion that is accompanying the Hudson Valley Invitational Exhibit is scheduled for Sept 14 at 3pm - at Van Brunt Gallery - and it will touch upon the topic of the present and future of the arts in the Hudson Valley.
The discussion will be moderated by Almanac Weekly Art Critic Paul Smart. Participating panelists include: Benjamin Krevolin, board president of the Dutchess County Council on the Arts, Norm Magnusson, known for his allegoric paintings, his faux historic roadside signs, and his website, Tom Roe, founder of Wave Farm in Greene County and a leading proponent of the new Transmission Arts movement, currently on view at the SUNY Purchase's Neuberger Museum. Also on the panel are Sparrow, author/poet/critic, Robert The, Kingston-based conceptual and book artist with a background in philosophy, Christina Varga, Woodstock gallery owner and Brian Wallace, curator at the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY-New Paltz. The panel will be streamed live on free103point9 Transmission Art Radio via a link at, or tune in by pasting into your media player. to have
I've written a bit in previous posts about how I though the art fair could potentially set certain conditions serve to feed and connect the region's artists and venues in a way that would bridge the distance between the HV art communities. By that I mean that the corollary events and projects that would pop up around a successful fair might create a gravitational force that would draw more people into a collaborative relationship. I'd heard of gripes about why this thing was happening in Beacon. Why not? Of course, there's no reason that it couldn't happen in Peekskill, Hudson or Kingston, it just never has. Of course it hasn't happened in Beacon yet either. A possible remedy to assuage this griping might be to organize the fair as a series of contemporaneous events that would be happening in a number of communities up an down the river. However, I think it would prove to be a poor strategy for it would simply disperse the energy of such an event over such a large footprint as to dilute the potential impact of a shared moment and place and it would reinforce the art community breach as exists now. If maximum impact, participation, and variety desired effects, I think a better solution would be to hold such an event in a different city every year. Logistically, this would be more difficult, but the potential for collaborative creativity, as well as dynamic, evolving presentation could create that cultural gravity and excite and equally dynamic of artists/venues to participate. To some extent, the concept would be that of an annual nomadic convention, or model of the Olympic Games.
In the spirit of cross community interaction, a panel talk was held last Saturday as part of the recently completed 2008 Windows on Main St. project. The talk, which looked at the aspects of artists working in the public sphere, covered WOMS in context with the Peekskill Project, represented by Michael Natiello, and the 10x10x10 project in Ellenville with the creator of that project Judy Sigunick . The talk was scantily attended, and virtually all in attendance were either on the panel, or in some way affiliated with the projects discussed, but what occured, was an excellent discussion about the artists' experiences of working among the public in traditionally non art locations. Basically was a sharing of the obstacles, the rewards and the discoveries common among the projects. It was also enlightening to learn about the artists' activities that so closely parallel one another, demonstrating some wonderful affinities.
The fact that Sunday's talk at Van Brunt will be streamed live on the internet (thanks to Free 103point9)alone is exciting. I'd like to see more talks/art events in the area streamed or otherwise shared more profusely online. It's hard to make it out to too much, and there's not a lot out there that represents the goings on in the various communities. I wish there was more.
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Art Handler's Ball - volunteers needed
To that end, Jill is planning a mega art handler party - a party so mega, that it will traverse two evenings and a Saturday morning.
Volunteers are needed to help mount the postcards on foamcore boards, then install them in the storefronts. The
If you have some time and would like to help out, email me at info (at), and I'll pass along the vital information.
I'd imagine that the skill set required is not so high that the average concientious citizen that can level a line and who has a working knowledge of Velcro would be prevented from helping out. The more the merrier.
If the party gets out of hand, remember that friends don't let friends hang artwork drunk.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Second Saturday in Beacon NY, Sept 13, 2008
First, there's the Beacon Film Flam, as I have mentioned in the previous post.
That will be happening on the West end of town, down in the middle stretch of Main St. (at Cedar St.) the Handmade Cavalcade rolls in with vendors setting up shop from 1pm-8pm at Main St.
Also, opening on Saturday, a storefront window exhibit of postcards created by children from around the world as part of the PeacePals International event happening in Beacon.
The Openings:
Go North Gallery 6-9pm : A group show titled Abstract Endeavors, with work by: Anne Beck, Aaron Sing Fox, Clinton Wilkins, Jim Goss, Marisa del Pozo, Matt Kinney, Robert Brush, Ryan Magyar, Unju Lee, and Vincent Pidone. Go North is turning 2yrs old this month. This exhibit, which runs through Oct. 5, is a curatorial collaboration by the three partners, Karlos Carcamo, Gregory Slick and Joe Millar.
bau 6-9pm: bau 45: Grey Zeien, The Comix, Paintings 2008. Read the Press Release here. The exhibit runs through Oct. 5.
Van Brunt Gallery 6-9pm: Hudson Valley Invitational. A group show including the work of 30 artists: Chris Albert, John Allen, Emil Alzamora, Gabe Brown, Robert Brush, Richard Butler, Richard Deon, Laura Moriarty, Alison Moritsugo, James Murray, Franc Palaia, Jaanika Peerna, Fawn Potash, Lyndon Preston, Eliza Pritzker, Molly Rausch, Angelika Rinnhofer, Robert Rodriguez, Jr., Christie Scheele, Charlotte Schulz, Michael Sibilia, Ed Smith, James Westwater, Eleanor White, Tony Moore, Simon Draper, Rieko Fujinami, Lowell Handler, Matt Harle, Thomas Huber, Peter Iannarelli, Gary Jacketti, Steven Jennis, Grace Knowlton, D.Dominick Lombardi, Susan Magnus, and Norm Magnusson.
There is a panel discussion to accompany this exhibit scheduled for Sept 14 at 3pm, and on Friday, Sept 12, a fundraising exhibition preview fundraiser will be held at the gallery to benefit the nascent Clara Lou Gould Art Fund (More on all of this in the next post).
Zahra's Studio 6-10pm: Silencio, work by Oni Satki which is on view through Sept 30.
Open Space 6-9pm: work by Ric Stultz rafa jenn Joe Pimentel through Oct. 5.
400 Square - starting at 5pm. This is the inaugural opening of this photography gallery that will be located at 149 Main St. Photographer Rob Penner is opening the gallery, and the first exhibit will be comprised of his own work. Not knowing of the history of the name, Penner was planning on naming the gallery The Beacon Project space. When he learned that the name had already been used, he chose another name. (The Beacon Project Space was the exhibition space of the Beacon Cultural Foundation and was also the location of the foundation' offices from 2002-2004, until the organization moved to the old Beacon High School at 240 Main St, and the Project Space atrophied.)
pearldaddy 6-9pm: Lucie Tatarova: Fractal PeopleSoft Sculpture, Print, and Textile Creations From Prague, through December 7.
Beacon FilmFlam, Saturday, Sept 13 noon-10pm
A little local bloggage
Friday, September 05, 2008
Swimming Cities curbed by cops
The Gothamist has a brief interview with Swoon about the project.
The KSW blog has a description of the perils of navigating near the mouth of the Hudson.
Eye Candy Friday: Giacometti's Nose out on Exit 5
I felt certain that I had the perfect rhyme to a work of art right across the river in Orange County, and I ached for the opportunity to photograph it and send it along to Tyler the next time he made a call for readers' rhyme submissions. This wonder of nature I'd long since marvelled at was a chipped, rusted segment on the North side of the I-84 overpass at Exit 5 near Montgomery, NY that conveyed not some dubiously oozing shadow-likeness of Christ or Mary, but rather, that of the more refined vision of Alberto Giacometti's sculpture, the Nose.
I finally took that photograph last November. It seems my mind completed this rhyme much more profoundly than the true relationship proves to be and looking at them together, I see the rhyme is a bit forced. Indeed, my overpass discovery has more of the gesture of a Muppet in profile, than the surreal terror of Giacometti's piece, but I will continue to feel The Nose whenever I have to head out that way to pick up a Penske truck.

Albert Giacometti, The Nose. via
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
The round up has posted an interview with Emil Alzamora on his work, life as a sculptor in Beacon, NY, his love of the Piazza, and how making art is like taking a crap - a sentiment shared by Martin Creed (actually, Creed refers to it in this interview, but the previous link manifests it in visual form.
Eleanor White is taking part in a three person show along with Erin Walrath and Natasha Cohen at the Art Barn in New Fairfield Ct. The Art Barn is located on the former estate of Louise Nevelson There's an article in the Stamford Plus about the exhibit. Pieces of Her opens Sunday, September 7 with a reception from 4-7pm. The exhibit runs through October 4.
In case you're interested, Swimming Cities of Switchback Sea made it to Manhattan on Monday.
The Hyde Park Townsman has an article on Matthew Slaats' Hyde Park Project, the culmination of which which is now being set to coincide with next year's Hudson River Quadricentennial events. Also, Matthew's interactive project for WOMS 2008, Call and Respond will continue through Sept 13. Call 845.228.8918 to pose a question or respond to a question.
Simon Draper is the featured artist in the Sept 08 issue of Chronogram, which chronicles, in own words, his humble beginnings as a wee Welshman to becoming the Prof of the Privy and formulating the creative juggernaut that is Habitat for Artists.
Charlotte Schulz's work is included in a group show at the Hosfelt Gallery in San Francisco. The exhibit, Voices of Metaphor: More Stories, opens Saturday Sept 6 and runs through October 18. Other artists included in the exhibit are: Amy Cutler, Fay Ku, Shazia Sikander, Ruth Marten, Liliana Porter, Yuka Yamaguchi, Yelena Yemchuk, Rachell Sumpter, Baseera Khan, Crystal Liu, Henry Darger, Rob Matthews, Sara Stites and Seonna Hong.
Charlotte will be present at the opening reception which takes place on Saturday from 4-6pm.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Windows Panel Talk, Saturday Sept 6 1pm
On Saturday, September 6 at 1pm, a panel discussion will be held at the Howland Public Library (313 Main St.) to coincide with the closing of the exhibit. The discussion will revolve around the artwork of the WOMS project, and aspects of art sited in situations outside of the isolated gallery setting in other projects like Ellenville's 10x10x10 and the Peeksill Project.
WOMS 2008 participating Theresa Gooby and Steven Walls will discuss their projects, and previous WOMS artist and current Peekskill Project participating curator Michael Anthony Natiello will speak about his experience in both projects. 10x10x10 curator, Judy Sigunick will discuss the nature of her project in Ellenville.
The discussion is free and open to the public.
sponsored by:
BACA, Rhinebeck Savings Bank, The Ann and Abe Effron Fund of the Community Foundation of Dutchess County.
This project is made possible (in part) through a grant from the Dutchess County Arts Council, administor of public funds through NYSCA's Decentralization Program
Monday, September 01, 2008
Dar Williams Promised Land CD Release Party at Spire Studios in Beacon, NY, Sept 9 2008, 6-9pm

Dar will be performing a sampling of music from the album which will be on hand for purchase that night.
Gallery Talk: Denise Markonish at the Dorsky Museum, Sept 4, 7pm
The talk will be held Thursday, September 4, at 7:00 pm in the Chandler Gallery at the Samuel Dorsky Museum in New Paltz, NY. The Medium is the Message will be on view through Sept 7th.