Kevin Stapp at Parasite

The Sidewalks lining Beacon's Main St were majorly full of people moving from one location to another for 2nd Saturday events. By all accounts, the number of people that came out was exceptionally high. As usual, there were openings happening at all the galleries. I was on the street, but unfortunately, did not make it many places.
The first of the receptions we held for the Windows Project was quiet, but we dovetailed the 2nd Windows reception, with the end of the Living Artists of Beacon reception at Muddy Cup which is where many folks ended up after the galleries closed. After Muddy Cup closed, some people headed over to Max's on Main to finish the evening.
I'm disappointed that I was not able to make it down to Zahra's to meet the artists gathered for the non graffiti graffiti show, but Dakin Roy, our man on the scene, described the vibe as "chill," and the show drew a wholly different crowd to the area.
Vivian Altman opened an exhibit of recent paintings at bau. Parasite opened its final show with work by Keven Stapp. Van Brunt's new exhibit features paintings by Norm Magnusson, photos by Melanie Einzig, and sculpture by Chris Meyers.

Kathleen Murray's column in the Poughkeepsie Journal's August 18th Enjoy section served as a quick review of Saturday's events.
I also want to mention that Jen Bradford has new paintings up at Chthonic Clash. Gallery 475/Backroom Gallery has a figurative group show, and Wild Wood Gallery has a show of photography by Jill Freedman.
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