Angelika also has a spread in the current issue of Contact Sheet, the photography publication of Lightwork.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Rinnhofer @ ART(212)
Angelika also has a spread in the current issue of Contact Sheet, the photography publication of Lightwork.
Will Walker at Last Supper Festival in Williamsburg

The Last Supper Film Festival is an indoor/outdoor film, food, music, and art festival taking place in Williamsburg, Brooklyn during the cruxt of seasonal change on September 30th. Referencing the celebratory nature of the feast, the film festival kindles the creative miasma sparked by New York's peppery fall, and inventive chutzpah embodied in the interaction of disciplines.
13 short films (served with proselyte dishes of culinary arts), along with 13 art works from emerging artists will be displayed at Supreme Trading Gallery II (Back space) on Saturday September 30. 4 Bands: Majestic Rest, Dorie Vance, Exeter Popes, Yah Supreme and 3 DJs: Devin Devaux, Seek Ten, Ted Shred will grace downtime with sonorous skill. A benefit of motley nature, the Last Supper seeks to expose the diverse dialogue between artist/performer/director and audience. Prizes awarded for Forbidden Fruit Bobbing.
Saturday, September 30th, 2006
8pm-12am Sharp
The Last Supper Film.Art.Music.Food Fest
Supreme Trading Williamsburg, Brooklyn
North 8th b/w Driggs + Roebling
L train to Bedford$5 cover includes first come first served food, films, art, music, bobbing13 Films: Geoff Bailey, Arun Chaudhary, Irina Danilova, Fulana, Nick Golbeiski, Happy Hour Trio, Matthew Lambert, David Lachman, Victor Lytninenko, Elliott Montgomery, Mirko Rucnov, Kiel Scott, Matthew Thomas
13 Artists: Devin Deveaux, Sara Dierck, Mikel Jason, Kevin Kedroe, Chris Eckert, Toni Ishikawa, Seth Mathurin, Coralina Meyer, Mike Quinn, RoMa Steel, Will Walker, Justin Worsdale, Annie Wienmeier
13 Dishes including Sacrificial Lamb roast on the outdoor spit provided by Culinarians Brooke Errett & Company
4 Bands: Majestic Rest, Dorie Vance, Exeter Popes, Yah Supreme
3 DJs: Devin Deveaux, Ted Shred, SeekTen
1 Projection: TV Carnage
Volunteer opportunities, Advertising, Questions, Comments, Submissions contact:
More information on the Last Supper Fest may be decifered here.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
The rundown
In Friday's POJO, Kathleen Murray interviewed An-my Le on her exhibit, Trap Rock, a collection of photographs of the Clinton Point Quarry in New Hamburg that are the result of a project commissioned by Dia.
The D&H Canvas, a monthly art related publication based on the other side of the river, but which also covers events in Beacon and surrounding areas is seeking suggestions for the future direction of the publication during a brainstorming session to be held, Tuesday, September 26.
The details from Canvas Managing Editor, Barry Plaxen:
The Delaware & Hudson CANVAS was born due to my attendance at the Orange County Citizens Foundation 2004 Focus Groups for our cultural needs assessments . We started the paper as a direct result of that participation and based our plans on the results of that study. We feel it is your paper, your voice, and we know many of your feel the same way. I believe we have been extremely successful. But....
After two years of publications, the D&H CANVAS can no longer exist in its present manner. Changes need to be made.
We can no longer print everyone's press releases within our 24, 28 or 32 page issues. We need to expand the newspaper to 52 pages so that we can service all of you and your events & exhibits with our multiple calendar listings and the feature stories that you asked for at the focus sessions. (We have not been able to get the necessary advertising support of the non-arts business community in any of the three counties we cover which would have automatically enabled us to expand.)
We at CANVAS believe we know how you can help. We need to know how you think WE at CANVAS should proceed.
We are holding a Focus group on Tuesday, September 26 at 2:00 pm at the Orange County Citizens Foundation on White Oak Drive in Sugar Loaf. We hope you can attend and participate.
If you respond to me at that you can attend, I will forward you a short list of items to be discussed.
If you cannot attend, please do email me at to let me know. I wish to then forward you a short survey to respond to and email back to me.
Thank you.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Gratification through Intimidation?
9/20/06 Dear Friends:
The recent controversy over Elia Gurna’s flag, “I Hear America Singing,” and its display in the window of the Howland Public Library in Beacon brings to the fore some profoundly disturbing issues. Not only did the controversy result in the removal of the flag from the library, but transformed this unthreatening artwork into an object of scorn that some would have banned from any kind of public view. Opinions have been heatedly expressed on both sides of the issue and, certainly, these points have been well taken. But, just as personal opinions enjoy the freedom of a public forum in this country, so do art and its open discourse with the general public.
Some Beaconites, however, apparently do not share that view, and suggest through their actions that any artwork that does not align with their personal opinions must be removed from their sight, and from that of those who may potentially take issue with that artwork. What’s more, several locals, I am shocked and ashamed to report, would take illegal action against those who display art that is not to their liking. It has come to my attention that certain unnamed individuals had been allegedly conspiring to smash the windows of Go North gallery on Main Street in Beacon, where the flag in question was briefly displayed as part of the Windows on Main Street project. The flag has now been taken down, so the object of scorn is out of sight. But one has to wonder whether these individuals even took the trouble to find out what Elia Gurna’s flag is all about. It was called a desecration of our national flag by some, an insult to patriotic Americans by others—yet the meaning of Ms. Gurna’s flag has always been clear. The artist’s statement has been accessible to the public all along, and mentions nothing about desecration of any flag, US or otherwise. It does, however, talk about very patriotic things like hope, growth, and the beauty of honest labor. How did Ms. Gurna’s flag become so monstrously misunderstood?
Lots of miscommunication and muddled thinking has led to the demonization of a piece of art that never intended to offend anyone. Certain famous artworks have gotten a bad rap, mainly due to narrow-mindedness, media spin, and political machinations; some art cannot help but provoke controversy. And so what? What’s so terrible about a work that stirs your blood, makes you think, leads to discussion, and perhaps broadens your horizons? Last time I checked, we still live in a country where the display of art and the discourse it engenders can freely take place. Our laws guarantee it, because many brave people took risks and made sacrifices for that right. To silence even one individual, in this case an artist and her work, is to set a very menacing precedent. Censorship puts a headlock on freedom because it lets a few individuals think for the rest of us. Beacon is better than that—far better—as demonstrated by its remarkable renaissance, integrally supported by the arts. Let no one or nothing here be bullied, including the arts. Do not allow censorship in Beacon—it’s un-American.
Gregory L. Slick
Go North gallery
Dear friends and fellow artists,-Karlos Carcamo
This should be of concern to all of us as residents of Beacon and citizens of this country. As many of you are aware there was controversy about an artwork that hung at the Howland Public Library as part of the "Windows on Main Street" event this past month. The piece in question was Elia Gurna's "I hear America Singing" A piece based on and inspired by Walt Witman's poem of the same title. The piece in question was a replica of an American Flag made of translucent vinyl using pink and green colors. It was accompanied by a CD player with a recording of Walt Witman's poem.
The veterans in Beacon protested the piece, demanding that it be taken down. In their view it was "un-American" and "disrespectful" to those who fought and died for the values the flag represents and a slap to the face of every veteran. According to the veterans the intention of the piece does not matter. No one has the right to alter the flag in any way shape or form because it is a national sacred symbol. Elia's piece is homage to Walt Whitman and to America's working class. I've attached Elia's Statement for all to read. In any case, the Howland Public Library voted to remove the piece before the end of the Windows event.
That same day we decided to install the piece at Go North Gallery so that it could finish the run of the Windows on Main Street exhibition. While the piece was on view at the gallery individuals have routinely walked by making gestures and hurling insults. Now, it has come to my attention that certain unnamed individuals were planning on "smashing" the window of Go North Gallery and ripping Elia's piece to pieces. Also, there have been inquires into my own ethnicity by unnamed individuals wondering if I was of Middle Eastern descent. It angers me that these thugs have the nerve to say that they believe in the very values the flag symbolizes yet they go against the same rights the flag represents. They practice the same tactics that dictators in all repressive regimes use which are, violence, intimidation, racism and censorship.
They continue to use the word "Freedom" back and forth in the Beacon Free Press yet they deny an artist the freedom of self expression protected by the constitution which they all fought for. They claim ownership over a flag that does not belong to them but to every single individual citizen of this country. I refuse to stand by silent while they continue their crusade against our right as free citizens to voice our opinions and to watch the values we hold dear erode because of ignorance. Greg and I are starting a writing campaign to get the word out on what is happening in the community. So far the only voice I have heard in the press in Beacon is that of the veterans. We as a growing art community need to rally together and show them that there are other voices.
I hope you can join me in writing letters to the Beacon Free Press, Beacon Dispatch, and Poughkeepsie Journal, and any other news organization we can think of. I also want to send letters to the American Legion, Knights of Columbus, Veterans of foreign wars, Beacon City Hall, and Howland Public Library. You can get the address for these organizations from website. I will be sending another e-mail to anyone interested with a page from the Constitution that spells out what our rights are. You will be able to download this so that it can be printed out. Please mail five copies of this page to the American Legion as a reminder to the veterans of what our rights as free citizens are.
Anyone interested in brainstorming ideas for other ways of getting our voice heard please contact me. We are also planning a couple of other T-shirt projects. One is "No Censorship in Beacon". We want to get the point across to the veterans and the community that there are other more important issues affecting Beacon. If the veterans need to be angry about something, it should be the drugs that are being sold right outside their own doorstep. They shouldn't be threatening our individual freedoms and decide for us what we should say, think, or believe in. We live in a democracy not a dictatorship.
Best regards to all,
Go North Gallery - A Space for Contemporary Art
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Warhol documentary on PBS
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Weekend recap
We attended the member's reception for the opening of Sol Lewitt's "Drawing Series...." on sat..and it was again a pleasure to see this work. The last post I wrote regarding the series of peices was based on my recollection of a few days ago, and upon seeing the work a second time, I'm really taken by the collection of pieces. There are 14 pieces on exhibit, not 9 as I had estimated earlier. Specifics on the installation can be found at . Also opening this weekend at Dia is a series of photographs called Trap Rock by An-My Le.
From Dia, we stopped off to visit Richard Bruce's opening at The Beacon Institute.
Our last stop saturday was Go North for the 100 Live 100 Work exhibit. It's a tiny joint with lots of people and lots of tiny artwork. The photos are from the gathering at Go North. The evening was enjoyable and full, but without the general "performance night" frenzy of a Second .
Postcard sized work at Go North.
Elia Gurna's "I Hear America Singing" found a home at Go North to complete the duration of the Windows on Main St project after the Library Board voted for its removal from the library.
On Sunday, I ran to the opening reception for the exhibit curated by Daniel Fuller "Only the Paranoid Survive." The Peekskill Project opened this weekend and there's a lot to take in.
If you're heading to Peekskill in the near future, here are some upcoming P.P. events:
Saturday, Sept. 23, noon: A meditation mediation event at RiverFront Green.
Sunday, Oct. 1, 4pm: Roundtable discussion, "Here, There, Everywhere: Peekskill Project 2004-2006." A discussion with participating artists looking back at past and current Peekskill Projects moderated by Ingrid Chu. Reception to follow.
Saturday, Oct 7:
1pm: Shaun El C. Leonardo "Self Portrait Icon: Retrato Iconico Individual" Starting at Riverfront Green and ending at HVCCA.
12-4pm: Elsie Green gives a presentation and workshop on making Zines at HVCCA.
Event info will be updated at the HVCCA website this week.
Friday, September 15, 2006
This Saturday
Richard Bruce's exhibit, "Wetlands and Bodies of Water" is opening at the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries at 199 Main with a reception from 5-7 pm.
Go North's grand opening is happening from 6-9pm with a reception for its "100 Live, 100 Works" show. All of the 4x6" sized artwork is priced at $40 - a great opportunity to pick up a little something for not a whole lot of something.
Who was that headless man?
Alright, maybe not.

photo by Harald Plochberger.
The photo above comes from bau's website, and was taken by Harald Plochberger at the opening of his bau 21 show. I missed the spectacle because I was in Miami - honest. I'm just wondering who Harald could have gotten to play this crucial role for his opening. Simon Draper claims he was elsewhere that evening, and can provide witnesses to corroborate - we're looking into his story. On the other hand, I don't know if it has any significance, but I don't see Gary Jacketti mingling in any of the photos... You don't suppose?
If you have any you have any thoughts on who the mystery man might be, place your vote here.
Sol Lewitt Drawing Series... Opens
Several pieces are more lyrical, and gestural than I would have expected, some pieces allowing for a fair amount of freehand drawing. There are two additional versions of the already installed series of squares with lines drawn in four directions, the two new installments being in color. The introduction of the restricted palette transformed these two pieces from drawings on the walls into subtle ghosts of frescoes that rest within the surface of the wall.
The one piece that felt jarring to me and I liked the least is one that depicts a series of thickly drawn arcs and straight lines. The breadth of the lines and their arrangement gave the sense of wallpaper, reminiscent of the Dia's Andy exhibit of last year and feels more like a moment of transition - and eye cleansing between two large sections of more delicate pieces.
I generally on cool burn when it comes to Sol Lewitt, but this is an installation that is full of grace, and surpise, and one that can be returned to many times, revealing something new with each visit.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Peekskill Project opening weekend.
HVCCA will also be hosting an opening reception on Sunday from 5-7pm for "Only the Paranoid Survive," an exhibit of new media work curated by Daniel Fuller.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A remembrance
Friday, September 08, 2006
September 9 - 2nd Saturday in Beacon
First of all, the Beacon Art Supply will be holding a HUGE sidewalk sale starting at 11 am and going all day. It seems there was a leak in the store, and some merchandise was damaged. Savings should prove to be HUGE HUGE HUGE.
For a complete listing of what's happeSecond Saturday will be here tomorrow. I've been frantic with my schedule, and various issues that have popped up this week, so I know I won't be covering far.
First of all, the Beacon Art Supply will be holding a HUGE sidewalk sale starting at 11 am and going all day. It seems there was a leak in the store, and some merchandise was damaged. Savings should prove to be HUGE HUGE HUGE.
For a complete listing of what's happening this 2nd Saturday, visit BACA's website, There's a link in the sidebar. I'm just not sure exactly what's happening
I do know what's not happening - Spire Studio's Quarterly Open Studio! For the 2nd quarter this year, there will be no open studio bender at Spire. The excuse for June was that many people were so busy with other projects, there was little energy or time to put together a shindig. The reason for the no go this month is that many of the studio artists themselves will be no shows. I cannot speak to everyone's whereabouts on Sept 9, but I do know that:

Angelika Rinnhofer will be in Miami,at the opening of her exhibit "Seelensucht" at the Bernice Steinbaum Gallery.
Todd Spire will have his face buried in the latest issue of "Modern Bride" planning his dream wedding.
Alexis Elton will be at bau where she will have an installation in the back room.
and Chris Albert will be with Angelika Rinnhofer.
Stay tuned though, We'll have two open studios' worth of pent up energy when the December 2nd Saturday rolls around.
Finally, This Second Saturday is the last chance to see the Windows on Main St. project. If you've read the last two posts in this blog, you know that the library is asking that Elia Gurna's piece be removed from the window prior to the completion of the exhibit. The artwork will be taken down sometime Friday, Sept 8, but it will finish out the term of the exhibit installed in the window of GO NORTH at 469 Main St. Elia's piece should be installed at GO NORTH by early Saturday.
I have to go pack a bag. If anyone has images of Saturday's events, email me at I'll let you know the best way to get them to me so I can post them.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
and bits
Vassar College will be screening films of Rudy Burkhardt from 7-9pm, Sept 8 in Taylor Hall.
There will also be a talk given on Tuesday at 12:30 in the Francis Lehman Loeb Artcenter's Prints and Drawings galleries by Stephen Koch, executor of the Peter Hujar Archive.
I can no longer find the page on the website, but yesterday's POJO mentioned that Poughkeepsie artist, and bau member, Frank Palia is hosting a local television show devoted to art and artists in a multiplicity of disciplines. The show airs on Thursdays, but I believe it's on Time Warner Cable, so we don't get it in Beacon.
Howland Library Board votes to remove artwork
I received a call from Sara Pasti on Wedsnesday informing me that the Library Board voted - unanimously - to have the flag remove by this coming Friday. Up to this point, I think the library has handled the controversy well, and has supported the principle behind displaying the artwork. The Windows on Main St. project relies on the hospitality of local businesses and institutions to host the installations created by the participating artists, and if an establishment chooses for some reason to have the artwork removed, we as organizers, and our sponsor, BACA accept that as an establishment's perogative, and we will honor such wishes if they occur. We are grateful to all of our participating businesses. The library in particular has been very enthusiastic in both this and last year's project, and has expressed interest in participating next year, and we welcome them. I am disappointed by the decision, and I figure it's a way for the library to save face in a way that, while the removal of the piece will occur just a couple of days short of the full term of the exhibit which is scheduled to end on Sept. 10, it should placate a very vocal demographic.
I honor the opinions of those who have voiced opposition to this artwork, but I certainly disagree with their position. This particular instance is a specific flash point of debate, but it speaks to a current of underlying issues that have formed with the influx of new residents to Beacon, and the changes it affects. I think moments like this can bring these issues to the front, potentially bearing positive results ...or they can go the other way. I'll hope for the former, not the latter.

On my way home Wednesday night, I saw that an actual American flag had been placed in the window, hanging in the same manner as Elia's piece, just a little smaller. I'm not sure what to think of it, except that with the opportunity to compare/contrast the two emblems in question, I feel it further illustrates the distinction between the actual item and the actualization of a poetic concept. I think this "side by side" setup inadvertantly serves to demonstrate the true and significant distance between Elia's artistic exploration, and a desecration of the nation's flag.
I expect there will be more comments on this topic, and I'll pass them along as I recieve them.
The text of "I hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman:
I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear;
Those of mechanics—each one singing his, as it should be, blithe and strong;
The carpenter singing his, as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his, as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work;
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat—the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck;
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench—the hatter singing as he stands;
The wood-cutter’s song—the ploughboy’s, on his way in the morning, or at the noon intermission, or at sundown;
The delicious singing of the mother—or of the young wife at work—or of the girl sewing or washing—Each singing what belongs to her, and to none else;
The day what belongs to the day—At night, the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing, with open mouths, their strong melodious songs.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
WOMS Flag controversy at Howland Public Library

There have been some complaints lodged at the Howland Public Library, and at least one letter to the editor of the Beacon Free Press (which can be seen in this week's issue) critical of the Windows on Main St installation of Elia Gurna in the window of the Library.
The installation consists of a replica of the American flag created by Gurna using translucent tinted vinyl, and a cd recording featuring a sound piece created by Gurna's collaboration project, einLab, that recites the Walt Whitman poem "I hear America Singing." Elia's piece share's the same title of the poem, and stands as a visual interpretation of the poem.
I understand the objections that have been raised stem from the offense some have taken with with the alteration of a sanctified symbol.
Below, I've posted Elia's statement on the piece. As an organizer of the WOMS project, I'll simply say for the moment, that it seems to me the intent and of the piece actually shares much of the sentiment behind the reasoning of those who object to the piece, and the divide rests within the nuances of "art" and not of message. I'm sure I'll have more to say soon, and I hope to be able to post some contrary opinions on the issue as well.
Elia Gurna
I hear America singing
A Piece based on and inspired by Walt Whitman’s poem of the same title
I chose to make a piece at the library because it is a public institution dedicated to the betterment of its community and because literature often inspires my work. I believe that all art, like literature, should be for everyone, not just the people that can afford to pay for it.
I hear America singing is an idealistic piece about hope in America for America. I chose Walt Whitman’s poem because it is homage to the working class. To me it serves as a reminder to preserve the public good (like the library!), at a time when the notion of the public good is being redefined by corporate and consumer interests. The piece is also about imagining and remembering an idealism that to me is specifically American – it calls to mind a vision of productivity and hard work towards a common constructive goal.
I chose to make a pink and green replica of the flag to accompany my recording and musical adaptation of the poem, because I mourn the America that Walt Whitman describes – that idealistic America with its belief in hard work towards a public good, and because I wanted to reimagine the flag. The traditional red white and blue is probably the most abused emblem that exists. It adorns chewing gum packets and signs announcing sales for corporate chain stores. It is my view that it has become a symbol used to promote unchecked capitalism and imperialist war.
I chose pink and green because they are lively colors of growth. I made the flag out of vinyl so that it would not block the light to the reference room and because I wanted passers by to see themselves reflected in it, to be a part of the piece and to consider the meaning of this emblem that is all over Main Street.
Sewing this flag is my gesture of hope, reminding myself that the first flag was sewn (by a woman!) as the symbol for a revolution from oppressive conditions, and that Walt Whitman’s (and in turn my own) idealism and love for the country should not be considered cynically or nostalgically, but are useful and most necessary today.
August 2006
The Library Board will be meeting tonight, at 7 pm. There will be a period for public comment, and if anyone wishes to share their thoughts on the piece, they are invited to do so. I will be attending the meeting tonight as will, my co-organizer, Karlos Carcamo.
Recap of the Howland Library Board meeting and text of the Whitman poem on which the piece is based.
Comments from Go North co-directors Karlos Carcamo and Gregory Slick.
kibbles and bits
The recipient of last year's award for arts organization, Bulldog Studios, continues to be a topic of discussion. Kathleen Murray, in her column from last week, discovers that it is a rare occurance for a non profit to file bankruptcy instead of simply folding.
This month's Beacon Dispatch carries a editorial on the developments at Bulldog, and there have been some reader comments posted on their blog. You'll have to scroll down a bit to the post.
September's dispatch also carries a first person account by Rick Price of the mural he is creating for the Howland Public Library. Price is currently using donated space at Bulldog Studios to complete the mural.
I'd like to commend the collaborative concepts group on the design of their website for the Saunders Farm project. The website uses the blog format, but has eliminated many of the telltale blog characteristics giving the site a cleaner feel with the navigational feel of a traditional site. As bau was being formed, we found that the blog was a convenient and free way to maintain a site, and have information updated constantly and easily and with the flexibility to customize the design. I expect that I'll be borrowing some of the elements from the collaborative site for future projects.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Linda Stewart's Ellenville installation images

Linda Stewart sent over a couple of images of her installation titled "East of the Mountains..." for the 10x10x10 project in Ellenville which just concluded this week. Last week, the Ellenville Journal featured an article on Linda.